Scripture Inspiration

The marker of time speaks truth.

History is divided in the world by the birth of Christ.

A historical marker in time proves the very existence of Christ’s birth.

Everyday it is easier to see the spiritual battle in our midst of good and evil.

There is an inversion of justice in our organized systems and governing bodies. Justice is turned away and truth has fallen to the streets. And morality in danger.

Isaiah 59:14 WEB ~Justice is turned away backward,
    and righteousness stands far away;
for truth has fallen in the street,
    and uprightness can’t enter.

Which leads me into this season in October, I look forward to Nov 1 All Saints Day, and started boycotting the October pagan celebration years ago, giving the one box of vain decorations away gladly for free. Do you notice how holidays and celebrations are sidelined with a distractor pre or post vain and less important day instead of allowing the relishing of the actual holiday to continue in the first place?

There are better and more pure and fruitful activities families can participate in bearing more productive fruit. Teach them about love, peace, truth, mercy, grace, kindness, joy, purpose, and all things righteous.

It was implemental in my change of this worldly celebration was firstly was my journey to study the Word and desire to know Christ and accept the gift of God. As more light shines on the darkness, the darkness flees and more truths are revealed. Secondly, there was a childhood neighbour girl who did not celebrate this event and I always thought it odd. But later in life it would be part of seeing the truth for what it really is, a pagan ungodly celebration. And to abstain from evil became front and center in scripture for me. That I could make better decisions and not partake in activities or encourage especially our innocent young children and minds of such activities nor participate any longer.

It doesn’t matter what others think of me regarding this decision, when you’re on the path of truth and peace, Godly things matter most, seeing life and the world through the lens of the Bible helps you to see it more clearly and for what it is. God’s wisdom is highest, I didn’t always think this, but I know this NOW! As do so many others, where God has worked in their lives and brought change and transformation, hope, healing, grace, truth, freedom, preparedness for times like the last 4 years. Who is thankful, praise the Lord, can I get an Amen!

Please protect your children and other’s minds to what they are exposed to, life teaches us this battle we are in and our choices do matter, what we consume does matter, hearts matter, lives matter, grace matters, truth matters, and peace matters. Lies deceive and truth sets free. (John 8:32).

Be encouraged today, hopeful, filled with joy, truth and wisdom, be thankful for your journey and challenges that grow you and build your character, one day at a time, we grow and mature in the knowledge of the Lord. This is the will of the Lord, He wants everyone to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of truth. (1 Tim 2:4) and the knowledge of His Will and to give us spiritual wisdom and understanding (Col 1:9).

The righteous path is a narrow road that leads to life.

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